A vortex has two opposing flows, one flowing toward the center and condensing, the other diffusing outward from the center, and the two are always in balance.
This is because the vortex takes in the energy of its surroundings while emitting energy of its own, mixing them together and becoming the source of new creation.
You are always at the center of things. Think about what that means. It means that you are the one who brings new creation while maintaining the balance of all that is involved.
You are very powerful. But if your “self” is too strong, you will blow away everything around you and leave nothing behind.
On the other hand, if you prioritize the “other” too much, your own energy will build up and become too heavy, and eventually that condensed energy will explode and diffuse, and there will be nothing left.
The vortex is based on a very delicate balance.
The greatest light, the brightest brilliance, is when the equilibrium between “I” and “other” is perfectly balanced. At that moment, your creative power is unleashed and a new world unfolds.
Try to maintain balance. Love yourself and love others as you love yourself.