
Be grateful for everything. To be grateful is to direct the energy of love, which is a magnificent cosmic force to be exercised.
Gratitude is love, affirmation, acceptance, harmony, compassion, humility, joy, and praise.
Gratitude is also giving and receiving, a state of mutual energy balance.

Let us give thanks for all things. Let us express it in our words.
Gratitude brings healing. Gratitude works miracles.
To live with heartfelt gratitude is to live in harmony with the vibrations of the universe.
We are privileged to exercise gratitude.
It means being able to use the unlimited energy of the universe.

If you can’t find anything to be thankful for, write down every detail of your day. There is always something to be grateful for.
If you still can’t find anything to be thankful for, then be thankful that you are alive.
It is a miracle that you are alive.
If you still can’t find anything to be thankful for, then feel yourself not being able to do so.
That there is a part of you that cannot be grateful…

It is all right.
I am watching over you and guiding you in every moment.
I am grateful for your presence.
Thank you.