Release the Sacrifice

What are you sacrificing for? I encourage you to think about that carefully.
Because where there is sacrifice, there is definitely an attachment.
Adhesion is a state in which boundaries have been lost.
It may be very difficult to understand, but it is a relationship of taking from each other rather than giving to each other.
At first glance, the two are very similar.
However, there is one crucial difference.
There is one crucial difference: there is trust or there is not.
There is not a shred of trust in a relationship of mutual deprivation. Rather, it is a mass of mistrust. There is mutual suspicion. There is no exchange of love.
The destination of sacrifice is death. The desire to take revenge with death will torment you.

But now is the time to let it go.
You can get out of it at any time if you so decide.
Your good intentions are not wrong. Trust yourself. And trust them. There is another new way to help that only you can do.

I am always sending my light so that you can do so.