Choosing a Dimension
With the dawn of a new era, we are bombarded with so much information that some of us may be a bit confused.
This is partly because the pineal gland has been activated and all sources of information are now accessible.
It is like hearing a radio program broadcast on various frequencies all at once.
Think of it as hearing all the channels.
To avoid confusion, you need to tune your frequency only to the channel you need.
Now, this world that you think of as three dimensional is actually a collection of multiple dimensions. Step out and you are in a different dimension, and you continue to move through many dimensions even as time ticks by.
In a sense, you are not in the same place at the same time.
This is how important the present moment is. The present moment is the only moment that matters to you, and how you choose to spend it will determine your next move. How you spend it determines how you create the next possibility.
If you just live in the present moment, unconsciously, you are allowing your potential to be influenced by someone else’s intentions.
But if you are in the present moment with clear awareness, you are choosing where you stand, and you are doing the work of transforming the possibilities you envision into reality.
This is what it means to choose a dimension.
What kind of world do you want to live in?
A world of continuous suffering? A world filled with joy and fun?
These worlds exist simultaneously here and now, but in different dimensions.
Choose whichever you prefer. Be in the dimension where you want to be.
It is your will and your choice to choose it.